My degrees and career path

Perrine TERRASSE, nutritionist and Niromathé practitioner

My vision of global health care

I have suffered from a chronic inflammatory desease when I was a teenager, and it lasted many years. I went through a traditional allopathic treatment but it proved ineffective and it damaged my digestive system.

I started to study anti-inflammatory nutrition for my own condition many years ago, in order to improve my own health and to limit the amount of medicine I had to take. After experincing an amazing recovery thanks to the anti-inflammatory nutrition, I decided to go back to university and specialize in nutrition after 13 years working as a physiotherapist in various hospital departments.

Life also brought me few years in South East Asia, in Singapore, and I had the chance to discover the Traditional Chinese Medecine. Thanks to my initial degree, as a physiotherapist, I had the opportunity to enroll to the Niromathé tuition, which is is close to reflexology based on the TCM.

My aim is to help other improve their health condition thanks to the association of my 2 specialties: Niromathé to relieve the pain and optimize the body function, and nutrition counseling, to provide all the needed elements to the body, every day, and for long.


Nutrition and Physical Activity University Diploma

French University “Paris Descartes”

EPM Nutrition

From Dr Laurence PLUMEY institute

Niromathé practitioner

Reflexology method based on Traditional Chinese Medicine


IFMK Saint-Etienne, head of class

Career path

2019: Nutrition counselor and Niromathé practitioner

2017-2018: Nutrition and Niromathé study, Traditional Chinese Medecine initiation

2016: physiotherapist in the Grenoble Hospital, in the cardiac surgery department

2015: physiotherapist in the Grenoble Hospital, in the urologic surgery department

2011-2014: physiotherapist in the Grenoble Hospital, in the maternity and gynecology department

2004-2010: physiotherapist in the Grenoble Hospital, in the pediatric resuscitation ward

2003-2004: physiotherapist in a private firm